Inam softwares - TrustPort Antivirus USB Edition is the mobile solution for the secure transmission of data on interchangeable memory media for example flash disks or memory cards. Prevents the copying of harmful code onto memory media, carries out antivirus tests on any host computer. Enables the encryption of files against unauthorized entry and offers the reliable shredding of private data which is no longer in use. This product provides on-access protection of the USB flash disk on which it is installed. It offers an on-demand scan of any host computer with a USB interface without the need of installing the software on the hard drive.
TrustPort secures your computer from viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Running automatically in the system background, it requires no expert knowledge from you. The antivirus uses powerful technology with two scanning motors. This technology shows one of the highest malware detection results in the world, nearing the magical boundary of one hundred percent.Security for your data whenever and wherever:• Antivirus and antispyware• Permanent protection of media• Scanning of any computer• Data protection by encryption• Reliable data shredding• Automated updates• Antivirus protection. As soon as the memory medium is connected to a given computer the resident protection is activated. This prevents the storing of harmful code on the given medium. So you don’t have to worry that while using a computer with an unknown level of security your USB flash disk or memory card will be infected.• Scanning on demand. According to your needs you can launch a scan of the computer on which you are working with your portable memory media. In the event of harmful code being found, the file will be renamed, moved to quarantine or deleted depending on the settings.• Proactive protection. Between the arrival of new harmful code and its classification in the virus database there is a critical period when the computer is most vulnerable. Fortunately this antivirus program is able to recognize a virus not only from the database but also on the basis of its structure and behaviour.• Encrypted data. The program enables sensitive data to be stored in the encrypted archive of a USB flash disk or memory card in case of loss or theft. The creation and extraction of data from the archive, entry and deletion of files are all at your disposal in the form of the intuitive interface.• Secure shredding. It is important to delete sensitive confidential data after it is no longer in use in a way that no one can reconstruct it. For this task the program offers secure shredding as the disused files are repeatedly overwritten with random data. You can choose from eight levels of security in shredding.• Universal use. The program isn’t installed on the computer’s hard drive but on a separate memory medium. This medium can be for example a USB flash disk or a memory card in any format. It is just as easy to install the program on a U3 smart disk. This comprises a special version of the USB flash disk with its own administrator program used for the transfer of personal data and live applications.What is new in TrustPort Antivirus 2013:- Improved Application Inspector:* new default modes – Secure Mode, Recommended Mode and User Defined Mode* applications are divided into groups – allowed, restricted and blocked* option to run user defined application with special restricted mode (sandbox)* option to divide applications into groups with different rules* option to protect specified parts of filesystem and Windows registry* optional maximum size of checked files, check of digitally signed applications, automatic enable/disable applications- Improved Device Security:* new enhanced GUI interface* the possibility of blocking devices by device type or connectivity ports.* device action settings – ask user/allow/block- Engines:* new proprietary TrustPort scanning engine based on dynamic whitelisting – technology based on database of known clean files* upgrade of Vipre scanning engine (including new MX-Virtualization for the heuristic malware‘s detection. MX-V uses Dynamic Translation emulator optimized for speed)* unified global settings for all scanning engines* new decompression library speeding up the scanning process- New GUI of the program, simplified basic user interface- Added new item Scan network drives into On-Access Scanner options- Added new TrustPort OEM phishing/malware database- New standard/custom mode in the installer- Windows 8 compatible- Update locations are unified for all components, access to updates is optimized for transfer speed- Silent mode of AV- Option to restore default configuration- Portunes – iPhone/Android and Windows password manager/security storage for sensitive information- Skytale – iPhone/Android and Windows application for encryption of messagesLanguage Versions: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Czech, Russian, Hungarian, Polish.Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, (32 bit, 64 bit).
Password: inam
Download Links:
- Download TrustPort Antivirus USB Edition 2013 or download from Mirror or from Mirror2 (Size: 95Mb)
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